Who hath been presented at the academy Monday maybe some question whether it made good viewing Matteo 'Morgoth' tanned like an idiot ...
Well, it hath been 'broken' ear, and the bandage was necessary after the drainage operation evacuative which it was submitted.
What is a otoematoma?
It a hematoma of the ear, usually located in the upper half in virtual space that exists between perichondrium and cartilage of the pavilion. It is usually caused by direct trauma or constant friction external ear in tangential direction.
otoematoma The lesion is a dynamic bleeding continues until the artery pressure equals the pressure of the hematoma that caused it; in time when new trauma cause further loosening cartilage, bleeding resumes. Once completed, the hematoma is into a seroma.
Without treatment separation between perichondrium and cartilage can 'even lead to necrosis of the cartilage would be compromised if the natural blood supply of cartilage tissue but most of the' otoematoma evolves into fibrosis and contraction that can deform the ear (the famous cauliflower contracture).
What if the ear is "broken"?
First, there are many ways to deal with a Otoematoma ... and it's best to combine them.
- Ice: the prince of all treatments to be applied to two or three days after onset dell'otoematoma is always after each workout done in the presence of the lesion. Things NOT to apply for more than 10 min. consecutive (risk of frostbite to the skin of the ear). It promotes the absorption of effusion through vasoconstriction and inhibits the spread of the lesion after training.
- steroid creams anti-inflammatory (Gentalyn Beta Localyn ... etc), useful for sfiammare ear and relieve pain. Associated with antibiotic creams are good if ear drainage by puncture evacuated, being the little ear vascular and prone to infection.
- Creme heparin (Hirudoid, Reparil, etc ...), useful to prevent the formation of clots and subsequent calcification. ALWAYS be applied until complete healing, in combination with steroid creams and as carriers for the drainage of the ear.
- Drainage evacuated and compression bandage (techniques should be reserved for lesions in which very recent the hematoma has not yet organized) in otoematomi extended or chronic (most) are preferred techniques involving an incision to allow drainage of the hematoma and removal of fibrin. In this case you should always consult a medical specialist as the transaction is not free of complications.
remains of paramount importance not to neglect the payment, as without treatment it can get Final calcification in about 5-7 days, get worse and spread to the overlap of further trauma. In addition, extensive calcification, especially those affecting the ear canal, may involve important with complications of infectious ear infections and potential partial loss of hearing function. In fact otoematomi should not be overlooked, and indeed should be treated promptly and with determination in order to prevent the spread of blood collection, reduce necrosis / calcification and prevent the infection of the blood collection by external pathogenic bacteria.
NB Otoematomi various injuries and must be resolved ALWAYS under the supervision of trained health care staff in no way does this article is or should be construed as medical science material. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.
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